Here are some updates on what I’ve been up to lately! In general, I think I put too many exclamations in these updates, but I’m just an exclamatory person.

  • 07/26/2024: Today, I visited UW (where I went for undergrad) and led their weekly progress meeting! Thanks for having me, everyone. It was great to see the old stomping grounds. 👢

  • 07/01/2024: My blog post about Gator is up on the PLSE blog! Special thanks to Elliott for the edits.

  • 06/11/2024: Summer’s over! First day at Synopsys! If you’re there and want to chat about egraphs, solvers, or hardware design, let’s grab coffee!

  • 06/07/2024: I graduated! What a relief. Now I can finally start my long, relaxing summer break.

  • 05/27/2024: I gave a talk on Gator at PLSE’s weekly meeting! You can find the slides here.

  • 05/16/2024: I’m famous! I was featured in this video about UW CSE’s intro sequence. Very cool to see the program get more recognition!

  • 04/28/2024: ASPLOS 2024! I’m here!

  • 03/27/2024: What a month! I’m very excited to announce that I’ll be heading to Synopsys this summer to explore equality saturation in the context of hardware tooling. Many thanks to Sudipta Kundu and Ashish Kapoor for the opportunity!

  • 03/22/2024: We have a position paper accepted to LATTE 2024! The paper’s advocating for the use of equality saturation in hardware design. This general topic will be what I’ll be immediately working on when I start my PhD.

  • 03/21/2024: I’m excited to announce that I’ll be starting my PhD at UC San Diego next year! I’m looking forward to working with Nadia Polikarpova and Sorin Lerner in the Programming Systems group.

  • 03/14/2024: I retired from my role as TA Coordinator for the intro sequence at UW. I’m leaving the position in the hands of the extremely talented Chloe and Parker!

  • (before March 2024, I didn’t really have a news section, but I’m excited to start one!)